
Watch Die Hard and Other Classics in 60 Seconds Flat

As reported on Wired.


In this fast-paced modern world of ours, it can be hard to find time for the things that matter, like watchingDie Hard for the 50th time. Thankfully, 1A4 Studio has you covered: their recent video condenses John McClaine’s 132-minute adventure at Nakatomi Plaza into a tight 60 seconds of stick-figure animation. It’ll only be fun for fans of Die Hard, but since that covers pretty much everyone, we’re good to go.

And if you need more, 1A4 Studio has given the same treatment to plenty of other favorites: Star WarsBack to the FutureThe MatrixAliensTerminator 2The Big LebowskiFight ClubFear and Loathing in Las VegasPulp Fiction and Blade Runner. We’d apologize for wasting the rest of your workday, but in reality this will only waste about 10 minutes, and it’s Friday, so… you’re welcome.