How To Story Tech

How I Cleaned 1,328 Emails Out of My Inbox in an Hour

As reported on LifeHacker. by Angus Kidman I’m generally pretty organized with my email, and I like to have nothing in my inbox except stuff I haven’t acted on yet. However, a spurt of recent travel and work commitments meant I’d fallen into a familiar but dangerous pattern: grabbing information from emails I needed (and replying when necessary), but not filing or deleting them, and not checking out stuff that didn’t look urgent. The end result:…

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Business Culture Story Tech Trends

The World’s First 3D-Printed Building Will Arrive In 2014 (And It Looks Awesome)

As reported on TechCrunch. by JORDAN CROOK Sure, 3D printing is fun and cute. And products like the Makerbot and Form 1 will most certainly disrupt manufacturing, even if it’s only on a small scale. But the possibilities of 3D printing stretch far beyond DIY at-home projects. In fact, it could entirely replace the construction industry. We’ve already seen folks at MIT’s Research Labs working on ways to 3D print the frame of a home in a day, as opposed…

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Story Tech

Sony selling NY headquarters for $1.1 billion, will rent space from new owners

As reported on Engadget. By Sean Buckley Despite losing a little less each quarter since Kazuo Hirai took over as CEO, Sony still appears to be looking for ways to cut the fat. Its latest move? Sell the house. Taking a page from Nokia’s book, Sony has announced that it has agreed to sell its New York headquarters building to a consortium led by The Chetrit Group. After settling its debts on the building, the $1.1 billion sale will net Sony about $685…

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Application iPhone Story Tech

IK Multimedia’s iRig HD adapter for iOS, Mac lets guitars ride the Lightning port Mobile

As reported on Engadget. By Jon Fingas IK Multimedia spent a lot of time at CES 2013 courting Android musicians, but we neglected to mention equal attention spent on iOS at the show through the iRig HD. The company’s new adapter pipes audio from a guitar or other instrument with a quarter-inch plug into Lightning-equipped Apple devices, keeping them in IK’s musical world (and inviting terrible Metallica puns). It’s not exclusively built to jam with an iPad mini or iPhone 5, either, as…

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Article Story Tech

Robot fish glides out of Michigan State University, tells you if the water is clean Alt

As reported on Engadget. By Sean Buckley Autonomous fish might make great leaders, but it turns out that robot flippers are ahuge drain on battery life. Not a problem for Xiaobo Tan — he and a group ofMichigan State University scientists have built a robotic fish that glides through the water. Tan says the machine, dubbed Grace (Gliding Robot ACE), swims too , but the constant flipper movement can kill the battery in just a few hours. “This is why we…

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Hacking Internet Story Tech

‘Red October’ malware has been stealing government and industrial secrets for 5 years

As reported on The Verge. By Jeff Blagdon Kaspersky Labs reports that over the past five years, a co-ordinated malware campaign called “Rocra” (short for “Red October”) has been funneling classified information and geopolitical intelligence from diplomatic, governmental, and scientific research systems all over the world. It uses known exploits in Microsoft Word and Excel documents to gain access to users’ systems, relying on a targeted social engineering or “spear phishing” element in order to trick users…

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Education Story Tech

How California’s Online Education Pilot Will End College As We Know It

As reported on TechCrunch. by GREGORY FERENSTEIN Today, the largest university system in the world, the California State University system, announced a pilot for $150 lower-division online courses at one of its campuses — a move that spells the end of higher education as we know it. Lower-division courses are the financial backbone of many part-time faculty and departments (especially the humanities). As someone who has taught large courses at a University of California, I can assure readers that…

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Application Mobile Story Tech

In the Coming Age of the Connected Home, Your Phone Will Be a Magic Wand

As reported on Wired. BY CHRISTINA BONNINGTON Photo: Jim Merithew/Wired   LAS VEGAS — Your smartphone is going domestic. In the age of the connected home, your mobile devices are becoming the central command, the brains, if you will, of the entire smarthome experience. It makes sense. Rather than remote controls with menus to memorize and knobs, dials and switches to manipulate, your smartphone or tablet becomes one remote to rule them all. You’ve always got…

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Microsoft Story Tablet Tech

Microsoft’s partners fly the Windows 8 flag, but the future is Surface

As reported on The Verge. By Tom Warren How long can the old guard shoulder the weight? Microsoft might not have been at CES this year, but its partners and OEMs were out in full force. A quiet showing from Redmond at a time when the company is trying to push Windows 8 to the world could be seen as an unusual move, but looking around the show this week it made a lot of sense.…

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Mobile Story Tablet Tech

Report: Flagship Apple, HTC, Samsung Phones Gobbling More Mobile Data Than Tablets

As reported on TechCrunch. by NATASHA LOMAS Smartphones including the iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy SIII and HTC Sensation XL are consistently consuming more mobile data than tablets, according to a new report by mobile data analytics company Arieso. It’s the third such annual report the company has compiled — gathering data via its own network monitoring technology.  The firm looked at the data demands of more than one million distinct subscribers over a single, 24-hour weekday in…

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