
Ultrakam lets your iPhone capture higher resolution film-like video clips

As reported on Engadget. BY MATT BRIAN While Sony and Samsung are busy making phones with 4K recording capabilities, one developer has worked its pixel magic to get more from iPhone cameras. Ultrakam is the first iOS app capable of recording 2K film resolution, letting iPhone 5s owners shoot 2240 x 1672 pixel video (that’s 70 percent more pixels than 1080p) and output movie-quality footage at the touch of a button. There’s support for the iPhone 5 and 5c, as well as…

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WobL Smartphone Stand And Alarm App For iPhone Ensure You’ll Snooze Forever

As reported on TechCrunch.  by Darrell Etherington I have an iPhone, and like most adult humans I imagine, I use that as my alarm clock in place of one of those quaint old-fashioned pieces of dedicated hardware we used to use. But it’s not always ideal: you can’t just smash a button to get it to stop trying to wake you up, for instance. The wobL, a new Kickstarter project launching today, hopes to fix that. As its…

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Application iPhone

This case turns your iPhone into a night vision camera

As reported on Engadget. BY DANIEL COOPER Thermal cameras are expensive, which is why they’re mostly used by firefighters, contractors and psychotic aliens. Fortunately, that’s all about to change thanks to theFLIR One, which is an iPhone case with a tiny thermal camera stuck on the back. All you have to do is strap your iPhone 5 or 5s into the dock and, once you’ve downloaded the app, you’re ready to go. Using multi-spectral dynamic imaging, it can…

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Android Application iPhone

The Best iOS And Android Apps Of 2013

As reported on TechCrunch. by Greg Kumparak Congratulations, Planet Earth! We made it another 365 days without crashing into the sun. Go team! It’s the end of the year, and that means three things: booze, ridiculous sunglasses with numbers on them, and lists. Lots and lots of lists. You’ve seen our list ofbest/worst gadgets of the year. Up next? The Best Mobile Apps Of 2013. Now, to be clear: there’s not a lot of science here.…

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iPhone Photography

The Verge at work: making perfect pictures on your iPhone

As reported on The Verge. By Jordan Oplinger  Create the ultimate mobile darkroom The Verge at Work is a series about process. We’re not scientists, and we’re not gurus, we’re just trying to get some work done. The solutions presented here are highly personal, and highly personalized. Not the only way, but our way. I’m in love with the photo-making process: from the click of the shutter to the final product, it’s magic to me. And although…

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Apple iPhone

The Future Of The iPhone, If Unbound By The Requirements Of Reality

As reported on TechCrunch. by Jordan Crook Apple has taught us to dream. When the company launched game-changing products like the iPod, iPhone and iPad, Apple made us feel like the future we picture in our minds will one day be a reality. And here we are, with Elon Musk working on flying cars while Pebble and friends put your smartphone on your wrist. But some of us take the dream more seriously than others. Take, for example, these…

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Apple Government iPhone

President Obama says he can’t have an iPhone

As reported on The Verge. By Sean Hollister Barack Obama was a BlackBerry addict even before he became President of the United States, but these days he may not have a choice. “I’m not allowed for security reasons to have an iPhone,” he quipped today, in a speech promoting Obamacare to a youth audience attending a summit at The White House. OBAMA’S BLACKBERRY IS “NO FUN” The restriction is not much of a surprise, considering how…

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Apple Application iPhone

New App Lets You Unlock Your Mac By Knocking On Your iPhone

As reported on TechCrunch. by Sarah Perez Can your mobile phone become a replacement for manually typing in a password? That’s the promise of a new application called Knock, launching today, which uses an iPhone paired with a Mac desktop or laptop computer to log you in to your locked machine. The system takes advantage of the newer low-energy Bluetooth technology to enable the connection between the two devices, allowing you to just knock (you know,knock, like…

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Application iPhone Mobile

Neurocam uses brainwaves to trigger hands-free photos, straps an iPhone to your head

As reported on Engadget. By Mat Smith Neurocam uses brainwave sensors similar we’ve already seen in moving cat ears andTV navigation, but this time hooks up with your smartphone camera. This prototype, demoed at last week at Japan’s Human Sensing 2013 conference, gauges your interest on a scale of zero to 100, and if your brainwave readout tops 60, it’ll start to record video, eventually transforming the footage into five-second GIFs. In order to get the iPhone camera to eye-view,…

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Apple iPhone Mobile

Chaos Computer Club says it’s beaten Apple’s Touch ID fingerprint reader (video)

As reported on Engadget. By Richard Lawler Already feeling secure about using just your fingerprint to unlock the new iPhone 5S? European hacker association Chaos Computer Club claims it can be circumvented with “easy everyday means.” According to CCC hacker “Starbug”, tactics laid out in ahow-to from 2004 are all that are required, with just a higher res fake needed to beat the Touch ID reader. The process, requires a 2400 DPI photograph of someone’s fingerprint from a glass surface,…

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