
Living with Google Glass, Day Three: Security Checkpoint

As reported on Engadget. By Tim Stevens You might be inclined to think that airport security is not the best place to wear Google Glass. You’d probably be right, but given the amount that I travel it was pretty-well inevitable that I’d cross through some security checkpoint before the course of this testing would be through. MORE INFO Living with Google Glass, Day One: The Reveal Living with Google Glass, Day Two: Around the House I’m…

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History Internet

CERN celebrates 20 years of a free, open web by restoring world’s first website

As reported on Engadget. By James Trew The web as we know it was famously invented by Tim Berners-Lee while working atCERN, but it wasn’t until a few years later — 1993 to be precise — that it’d truly be set free. On April 30 of that year, Berners-Lee’s then employer would make the technology behind the WWW available license free, bundling a basic browser and some key chunks of code into the deal. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of…

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Trends TV

Nielsen preparing ‘Digital Program Ratings’ pilot program to track streaming viewers HD

As reported on Engadget. By Richard Lawler According to the Wall Street Journal, Nielsen’s TV ratings are about to get some company, with a system that covers internet watchers. A “Nielsen Digital Program Ratings” pilot program will debut with participation from NBC, Fox, ABC, Univision, Discovery and A&E, tracking the viewership of streaming video they post on their websites. AOL (parent company of Engadget) is also reported to be participating, as the networks compare the data to their internal statistics…

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Ghostly Plane Wrecks Found in Remote, Exotic Locations

As reported on Wired. BY JAKOB SCHILLER West Sahara Canada Canada Canada Mexico Australia USA Canada Bobsleigh track from the 1984 Winter Games in modern day Bosnia-Herzegonina. From the series Olympic Spirit. Croatia. Yugoslavian military airplane storage. From the series R.I.P Australia. From the series Last Exit. Romania. From the series God’s Debris. View as gallery   Dietmar Eckell has traveled the world in pursuit of ruin. His portfolio is filled with mystifyingly beautiful pictures of abandoned buildings, forgotten military sites…

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US Navy experimenting with drones and blimps to fight Caribbean drug smugglers

As reported on The Verge. By Andrew Webster In the wake of budget cuts, the US Navy is turning to older technology in the war on drugs. As the Associated Press reports, last week the Navy began testing two new tools to monitor and capture drug smugglers in the Caribbean: the blimp-like aerostat, which has previously been used for surveillance in Iraq and Afghanistan as well tomonitor the US-Mexico border, and a drone that’s launched from the deck of a…

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Games Microsoft

Microsoft IllumiRoom is a coffee table projector for the next-generation Xbox

As reported on The Verge By Tom Warren When Microsoft first unveiled its IllumiRoom technology at CES, it did so in an unusual way. The software giant traditionally reveals its research projects in short scrappy videos accompanied by research papers and a lot of technical jargon. IllumiRoom was different. Microsoft’s Chief Technology Strategy Officer, Eric Rudder, joined the Samsung keynote to showcase a video of an augmented reality projection unit designed to extend gaming onto nearby walls.…

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Economies Of Scale As A Service

As reported on TechCrunch. by JON EVANS Don’t look now, but something remarkable is happening. Instagram had twelve employees when it was purchased for $700 million; all of its actual computing power was outsourced to Amazon Web Services. Mighty ARM has only 2300 employees, but there are more than 35 billion ARM-based chips out there. They do no manufacturing; instead they license their designs to companies like Apple, who in turn contract with companies like TSMC for the actual fabrication. Nest Labs and Ubiquiti are both 200-employee hardware companies…

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Iterations: How Six Technology Investors Size Up The Google Glass Opportunity

As reported on TechCrunch. by SEMIL SHAH People won’t stop talking about Google Glass, and rightfully so. Ever since the epic parachute-hangout demo, the Valley has been buzzing about the future coming of what is arguably one of the biggest potential advancements in computer interfaces since the iPhone. Lately, the buzz has been bubbling as Google employees, early adopters (Scoble just posted his detailed review), tech bloggers, and contestwinners have started to receive their glasses, combined with heavy, consumer-focused advertising,…

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Trends TV

LG will launch the world’s first 55-inch curved OLED HDTV (update) HD

As reported on Engadget. By Richard Lawler We heard that the curved OLED HDTV prototypes LG showed at CES would be coming soon, and now it’s official. A Korean press release indicates we can expect the55EA9800 to launch in the next month, with shipments starting in June. According to the specs, its 4.3mm depth results in a weight of just 17kg, probably thanks to a carbon-fiber reinforced frame. Like an IMAX theater screen, the edges are curved towards the viewer…

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Samsung tells the design story behind the Galaxy S 4 (video) Mobile

As reported on Engadget. By Mat Smith In case you missed it, Samsung released a new phone over the weekend and now the company’s put together a quick video describing the design notions behind its Galaxy S 4. Expect to hear the word “intuitive” a fair few times, mostly in regard to those new software features and a return of those nature-inspired design licks. Samsung adds that it’s has also cranked up the attention to detail on the hardware design,…

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