Hardware Dev

Did the future of wireless charging get decided by a coffee cup?

As reported on The Verge. By Sean Hollister In 2001, Wi-Fi wasn’t a sure thing. Two different standards, HomeRF and Wi-Fi, were competing to be the dominant wireless networking technology. But though HomeRF had a host of supporters and its proponents argued that the technology wasn’t as susceptible to interference, today mentioning the name would probably buy you a blank stare. One reason for that is the Apple iBook, the first of many laptops to integrate Wi-Fi. The other…

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Pomplamoose’s Jack Conte Creates A Subscription-Based Funding Site For Artists

As reported on TechCrunch. by JOHN BIGGS Jack Conte is an Internet musician who became an Internet sensation and now, thanks toPatreon, he’s an Internet entrepreneur. Patreon is a fundraising site that is a bit different than your run of the mill Kickstarters orTrumpstarters. Instead of collecting one lump sum for, say, and album or song, fans can subscribe to the artists and receive “patrons-only” streams of their work. Conte made his latest song “Pedals” available as the…

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Microsoft: Google Doesn’t Get Business Productivity Tools

As reported on TechCrunch. by FREDERIC LARDINOIS When it comes to productivity apps, Office is still clearly the market leader, and Microsoft is now also quickly iterating on its online apps for Office. When it comes to its competition with Google’s online productivity apps, though, it’s hard to figure out if Microsoft is feeling superior or threatened (or a bit of both). Earlier today, I talked to Michael Atalla, the director of product marketing for Office 365 at Microsoft.…

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Google News

Google Framed As Book Stealer Bent On Data Domination In New Documentary

As reported on TechCrunch. by JOSH CONSTINE “Google And The World Brain” is a new documentary about Google’s plan to scan all of the world’s books, which triggered an ongoing lawsuit being heard today. The hair-raising film sees Google import millions of copyrighted works, get sued, lose, but almost get a literature monopoly in the process. It’s scary, informative, and worth watching if you recognize its biased portrayal of Google as evil. The film is getting wider release…

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Culture Hardware Dev

APX Labs mods Epson Moverio headset, adds camera, mic and motion sensors for improved AR

As reported on Engadget. By Michael Gorman Epson’s 3D display glasses, the Moverio BT-100 have been floating around as a development platform for a couple years, and APX Labs is the latest to hack the headset. APX Labs is a software firm best known for creating Terminator Visionaugmented reality tech for the US military, and it decided to use the BT-100 as a vehicle to develop and showcase a smart glasses platform it’s built to work for both business…

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Business Social Networking

Facebook rumored to be buying GPS app Waze for up to $1 billion

As reported on Engadget. By Daniel Cooper Between buying Instagram and calling Facebook Home the “next version” of his social network, it’s fairly clear Mark Zuckerberg’s obsessed with the prime real estate on your smartphone. Israeli newspaper Calcalist is reporting that Zuckerberg and Co. are eyeing up crowdsourced GPS app Waze, which generates mapping data by pulling it from its users’ devices in real time. The paper says that Facebook entered into discussions around six months ago, with prices in the $800 million to…

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Business Microsoft

TechCrunch: Microsoft offering $1 billion to buy Nook Media

As reported on Engadget. By Daniel Cooper  Microsoft has put forward an offer to buy complete control of Nook Media LLC, according to internal documents seen by TechCrunch. Redmond’s joint venture withBarnes & Noble was set up last year to handle the Nook e-reader, tablet and college bookstore business. If the documents are accurate, Microsoft will dump the academic retail chain while retaining the digital arm of the partnership for $1 billion. The evidence also suggests that Nook Media will axe…

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Keeping a Wolf at Home to Save the Species

As reported on Wired. BY PETE BROOK View as gallery   Getting photos of wolves is difficult. It usually requires traveling into the farthest reaches of North America or other remote locations. But photographer Camille Seaman in Oakland only needed to cross the San Francisco Bay to find one for her latest project. Aqutaq, a two year-old female white wolf (aka arctic wolf), lives in Marin County in the shadow of Mt. Tamalpais with owner Oliver Starr. Aqutaq…

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Google Glass software update adds Google+ notifications, limits background uploads

As reported on The Verge. By Chris Welch If you’re lucky enough to be an early Google Glass owner, you might want to glance at device settings to see what software your headset is running. According to reports, Google is tonight pushing out a new update, XE5, that contains a number of bug fixes, optimizations, and other changes. First, Google is implementing a new rule on where and when Glass can upload data in the background. From…

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Google’s Deep Learning project and the search for a brain-like computer

As reported on The Verge. By Adi Robertson Stanford Professor Andrew Ng is bringing back the idea of an artificial intelligence that can think like a person. With Google’s Deep Learning project, he’s creating machines that take a multi-layered approach to information, building up knowledge and figuring out concepts by passing data between various networks that can each recognize a small piece of it. The approach is designed to mimic how the human brain processes information…

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