Application Google

Google Checkout Nixed In Favor of Google Wallet

As reported on TechCrunch. by CATHERINE SHU Google Checkout is being sunsetted as the company focuses on shaping Google Wallet into a viable PayPal rival. Google Commerceannounced today that Google Checkouts will be retired on November 20. Google suggests that merchants who do not have their own payment processing transition to Braintree, Shopify or Freshbooks, which are offering discounted rates for Google Checkout users. U.S. merchants who do have their own payment processing can apply for Google Wallet Instant Buy. Developers…

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Real-Time Parking Startup ParkMe Launches An Android App

As reported on TechCrunch. by RYAN LAWLER Real-time parking startup ParkMe wants to help find you parking — in real-time. The company, which originally started out on the Web, has been making a big push behind mobile apps, which is really smart, because most times when you’re looking for parking, you’re not on a PC, but you have a smartphone nearby. There was just one problem — this app to find parking spots in real-time was only available on…

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CellMaps by Mosaik brings accurate, detailed coverage maps to Android Mobile

As reported on Engadget. By Zachary Lutz Sometimes in the mobile world, selecting a carrier isn’t determined so much by devices or plans, but rather which provider best suits your coverage needs. Sadly, the map tools on carrier websites are needlessly painful, and most coverage apps that you’ll find rely on crowd-sourced data — great if others contribute, but that’s not always the case. Now, you’ll find a better solution from Mosaik Solutions, which has released an Android…

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Hardware Dev

Samsung beats Chromebook Pixel and Retina MacBook with new high-res laptop display

As reported on The Verge. By Matt Brian Samsung is to unveil a new super-high resolution panel which could set the standard for notebook displays. This week, the company will launch a 13.3-inch QHD 3200 x 1800 panel with 276 pixels-per-inch (PPI), and offers greater pixel densities than Apple’s Retina MacBook Pro 13 (239 PPI) and Google’s Chromebook Pixel (227 PPI). Just last week, Sharp announced it would begin manufacturing its new high-pixel density IGZO LCD panels in…

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How Google beat Apple to a streaming music service

As reported on The Verge. By Greg Sandoval Sources say iRadio is still mired in licensing talks and may not be ready for WWDC Google’s long-rumored Play Music All Access service is already out the door, while Apple’s iRadio is still bogged down in licensing talks. According to music industry sources, all the haggling could prevent Apple from debuting the service at the Worldwide Developers Conference next month. Sony/ATV, the largest music publisher, has rejected Apple’s terms according to published…

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Art Culture

The New “Handmade”

As reported on TechCrunch. by SARAH PEREZ Amid grumblings of a “general fatigue” when it comes to software-based startups, a potentially transformative technology called 3D printing is poised to reach critical mass and mainstream awareness. Today’s news headlines about the technology tend to focus on the extreme possibilities in being able to print objects on demand – from the terrors of things like a homemade 3D-printed gun to heartwarming tales ofprinted robotic hands for children born without fingers. But the…

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The Time Has Come For Chrome In The Home

As reported on TechCrunch. by JON EVANS I’ve spent the last two weeks wandering around London, Paris, and Istanbul (not Constantinople.) As an experiment, I left my trusty MacBook Pro behind and brought only the $199 Chromebook on which I type this. And to my considerable surprise it has served admirably. So admirably, in fact, that I believe ChromeOS is only one or two iterations away from being the right choice for many-if notmost–homes. I was…

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YouLike Is A Dating Site That Thinks The Key To Finding Love Is Hate

As reported on TechCrunch. by STEVE O’HEAR Ok, admittedly, the headline is a slight misrepresentation. However, in the best online dating tradition, not only did it hopefully catch your attention but it has more than a grain of truth, too. YouLike, a startup backed by the founders of Turkish eBay clone GittiGidiyor (which in 2011 was acquired by the online auction giant for $217 million), describes itself as an interest-based social network and dating site that takes into account…

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Application Is A Mobile-First Music Streaming Service That’s Playing To A Different Tune

As reported on TechCrunch. by STEVE O’HEAR The news that Google has launched its own all-you-can-eat music steaming service, catchily named ‘Google Play Music All Access‘, didn’t come as a surprise. There had been rumours that the search giant was planning to create a Spotify/Rdio/Deezer competitor for some time. Why has it done so? Apparently it had to. Music is at the centre of the mobile computing experience, which is where Google wants to remain. And yet —…

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Hardware Dev

LG to demo 5-inch unbreakable and flexible plastic OLED panel at SID

As reported on Engadget. By Zach Honig LG’s got quite a bit in store for us this week at SID’s annual display exhibition in Vancouver. In addition to that 55-inch curved OLED TV we first heard about last month, the company will be demonstrating a very nifty 5-inch OLED panel. Created for mobile devices, the display is constructed of plastic, making it both flexible and unbreakable — certainly a welcome quality when it comes to smartphone design. Also on…

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