
Samsung Galaxy S 4 Active official: water resistant, LTE-capable, coming to the US and Europe this summer

As reported on Engadget. By James Trew Samsung’s gone official with the Galaxy S 4 Active — once again, before the company’s incoming UK launch event. With IP67 water and dust protection — it’ll survive three feet of water for up to 30 minutes — as well as a 5-inch (TFT LCD) 1080p display (443 ppi), there’s an unspecified 1.9GHz quad-core processor to do the heavy lifting. Alongside LTE radios and Android 4.2.2, the GS4 Active packs an 8-megapixel camera…

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Google Glass’s first porn app pulled hours after release

As reported on The Verge. By Jeff Blagdon   Glass got its very first porn app today, but just a few hours after its launch, the service has already been pulled from Google’s Glassware hub. The app is called Tits and Glass, and had been highly anticipated since news of its development hit last month. But Friday’s quiet revisions to Google’s Platform Developer Policies banning explicit material meant that the app, produced by adult publisher MiKandi, wasn’t long for the…

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After Your Job Is Gone

As reported on TechCrunch. by JON EVANS Do you have a job? Do you like having a job? Then I have some bad news for you. The Guardian is worried “today’s technologies are going to remove people from economic activity completely.” Techonomy says “America’s real worker crisis is not immigration, it is jobs.” Om Malik asks: “People talk about robot-helpers and an army of drones, but…what is going to happen to millions of people who will be replaced by those drones and…

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Microsoft, Stop Trying To Make Windows RT Happen

As reported on TechCrunch. by MATT BURNS Bloomberg is reporting this morning that Microsoft is cutting the price of Windows RT for small tablets in a seemingly desperate bid to spur sales. It’s a rather predictable move and a touch sad. Tablets based on Windows RT, an operating system that’s pure garbage, are not selling, because, referring to my first point, Windows RT is trash. And since they’re not selling, Microsoft is making concessions and that means cutting…

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Julian Assange Unmasks Eric Schmidt’s Evil Plans To Enslave The World

As reported on TechCrunch. by GREGORY FERENSTEIN The following is my fictionalized story based on a stranger-than-fiction, real life op-ed by Julian Assange, wherein he accuses Google of conspiring with the State Department to dominate the world.  Assange’s quotes are real. “General Schmidt, Julian is on to us,” said President Obama, as he sauntered through the steel doors of the Google Bunker, Secret Service in tow. The President wore his mandatory “I’m A Googler” t-shirt over his dress…

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Business Hardware Dev

Dell unveils Haswell-powered laptops and desktops for professionals (video)

As reported on Engadget. By Daniel Cooper Between Computex and the launch of Intel’s fourth generation Core Haswellprocessors, June’s shaping up to be a big month for the PC industry. Fresh from letting us play with its new folding hybrid, Dell is whipping out new OptiPlex 9020 and XE2 desktops, an OptiPlex All-In-One and the Latitude E6540 business laptop. Given that they’re Dell machines, customization options will be limitless when they arrive in the forthcoming weeks, backed by all of…

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Ecstasy for my eardrums: tripping through the addictive psychedelia of million-dollar hi-fi

As reported on The Verge. By Trent Wolbe I had a fever, and the only solution was more high end Yesterday I chronicled a skeptical vision quest through the realm of high-end audio appreciation. It brought me to one of the darkest corners of the High End hi-fi trade show in Munich. I found myself in a room surrounded by silver-haired purists in front of a bespoke rig by Pioneer subsidiary TAD Labs. I took a seat near…

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Business Culture

How Samsung Got Big

As reported on TechCrunch. by CHRIS VELAZCO The cellphones were stacked up high in the Gumi factory yard and more were coming out every minute. Phones, TVs, fax machines, and other gear shattered as it hit the concrete and Samsung CEO Kun-hee Lee and his board cracked the screens and cases with heavy hammers. Then they lit a bonfire and threw everything in. The 2,000 workers began to cry. And still the hardware kept coming. The…

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The Sisyphean Problem Of Email

As reported on TechCrunch. by ALEXIA TSOTSIS Advice that should be given to modern people considering marriage: “Before you marry, consider this, ‘Is this the person I’d like to watch stare at their phone for the rest of my and their life?” In the Greek myth of Sisyphus, Sisyphus, as punishment for aspiring to immortality, is given the task to roll a boulder up a hill every morning only to have it roll back down every night. A grisly…

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Business Tablet

Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8- and 10.1-inch versions to launch worldwide early June

As reported on Engadget. By Jamie Rigg In addition to the Galaxy Tab 3 with a 7-inch display we’ve known about for a while, Samsung’s announced the slate will come in 8- and 10.1-inch varieties, too — something rumors and FCC filings have long suggested. The 8-inch model has a TFT display sporting a 1,280 x 800 (WXGA) resolution (189 ppi), a 5-megapixel rear camera and 1.3-megapixel front-facing shooter. It’s got vaguely respectable internals: a 1.5GHz dual-core processor (no word on the manufacturer),…

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