Government Microsoft

Microsoft and FBI collaborate to take down $500 million ‘Citadel’ botnet ring

As reported on The Verge. By Aaron Souppouris Microsoft in cooperation with the FBI took down the majority of the malicious computer networks that make up the “Citadel” botnet ring. A botnet is a network of compromised computers that are generally used to perform coordinated attacks against others. Citadel has infected as many as five million PCs around the world and over the past 18 months the networks are estimated to have stolen more than $500…

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Story Trends

Fired Reuters Employee Previews No-Nonsense Premium Breaking News Site MatthewKeysLive

As reported on TechCrunch. by JOSH CONSTINE Matthew Keys is getting back into the news game. He previewed the beta of his new, paid-subscription worldwide breaking beta news site tonight, but has since taken it down. The site focuses on delivering facts fast, and features Keys pulling in news from Twitter,, local news affiliates, and video feeds while adding his commentary. Keys famously was fired from his social media editor job at Reuters after allegedly assisting hackers to attack…

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Report: NSA Secretly Collecting Phone Records Of All U.S. Verizon Calls

As reported on TechCrunch. by GREGORY FERENSTEIN The National Security Administration is secretly collecting phone record information for all U.S. calls on the Verizon network. “Under the terms of the blanket order, the numbers of both parties on a call are handed over, as is location data, call duration, unique identifiers, and the time and duration of all calls,”reports The Guardian, which broke the story of the top-secret project after it obtained record of a court order…

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Hardware Dev

Acer shows off Aspire R7 Star Trek edition, we go eyes-on at Computex

As reported on Engadget. By Zach Honig No, we’re not making this up. We’ve always thought the Aspire R7 bore an uncanny resemblance to the USS Enterprise, and now it appears that Acer’s officially in on the fun, too. Our friends at Engadget Chinese stumbled upon a new version of the starship-esque convertible at Acer’s Computex booth today — the company manufactured just 25 of these special-edition notebooks, one of which it plans to offer up on eBay from June…

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Dispatch and Boxer aim to be your email apps of choice on iOS

As reported on Engadget. By Edgar Alvarez Even though we have the likes of Sparrow and Mailbox already competing to be the one to handle email duties on your iOS device, chances are a couple more options wouldn’t be frowned upon. Here’s where the rebranded Boxer and newcomer Dispatch come in. The former, which was previously known as Taskbox, is an app that thrives largely on a swipe-based UI, while the latter describes itself as an “action-based” client that gives you quick…

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Windows 8.1 makes video debut ahead of June 26th preview release

As reported on The Verge. By Tom Warren Microsoft unveiled a number of new changes for its Windows 8.1 update recently, but we’ve only seen them demonstrated in a small number of screenshots. Today the company revealed a new video demo of Windows 8.1, complete with some of the new features in the update. Start Screen changes, UI improvements, and the new Search interface can all be seen in the demo, and Microsoft also touches on the SkyDrive…

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Windows RT 8.1 Update Will Bring Full Outlook 2013 Desktop App To RT Tablets

As reported on TechCrunch. by FREDERIC LARDINOIS This has long been rumored, but Microsoft just officially announced that Windows RT, its operating system for ARM-based tablets and other small touch-enabled devices, will get Outlook 2013 once the free Windows 8.1 update arrives. Until now, Windows RT featured the desktop versions of Word, Excel, OneNote and PowerPoint, but ever since it launched, business users have been complaining about the lack of Outlook. As Microsoft’s CFO and CMO of its Windows…

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Google Will Soon Launch Google Web Designer, A Free HTML5 Development Tool For Creating Web Apps, Sites And Ads

As reported on TechCrunch. by FREDERIC LARDINOIS Google will soon launch Google Web Designer, an HTML5 development tool for “creative professionals.” The service, Google says, will launch within “the coming months” and is meant to “empower creative professionals to create cutting-edge advertising as well as engaging web content like sites and applications – for free.” The company shared this news in a sidenote in a blog post about its DoubleClick advertising platform this morning. We reached out to…

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Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote to ship free with x86 Windows 8 tablets (update: only with those smaller than 10 inches)

As reported on Engadget. By Zach Honig During today’s Computex keynote, Microsoft Windows chief Tami Reller just announced that new x86 Windows 8 tablets will ship with Office in the box. The executive didn’t detail the software offering, beyond mentioning that Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote will all be included. Windows RT devices, for their part, will now also include pre-installed Outlook, beginning with the Windows 8.1 update, which is due to arrive as a preview version later this month. Update: Microsoft…

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Researchers use Hubble to map 3D structure of exploding star

As reported on Engadget. By Brian Heater Witness now the death of a star in glorious 3D. It’s not quite as exciting as all that, but astronomers have managed to map the eruptions of nova using footage from theHubble telescope. Above are three images of T Pyxidis (that’s T Pyx to its friends), a double star system located some 15,600 light-years away — the white globular bit in the middle is the star. The researchers reported…

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