Microsoft Mobile

Microsoft retrieves lost Windows Phone handset running on prototype software

As reported on The Verge. By Tom Warren   Apple famously lost an iPhone 4 prototype in a bar, sparking a hunt for the individuals involved in the loss and sale of the handset. Microsoft has also lost a phone, one running a future Windows Phone ‘Blue’ version of its mobile software. A Reddit userposted screenshots and information obtained from the device over the weekend, generating interest in unannounced features for Windows Phone which included an early prototype of…

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Android Apple Application Mobile

What Android Has That iOS Has Not (Yet)

As reported on TechCrunch. by JOSH CONSTINE Android is open and customizable. iOS is closed, designed for ease. But iPhone users are maturing, demanding more personalization, and Apple might give it to them at WWDC. AtD11, Tim Cook said “I think you will see us open up more in the future, but not to the degree that we put the customer at risk of having a bad experience.” Here we’ll look at some Android options Apple…

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Application Culture

The Battle To Be First App Opened

As reported on TechCrunch. by RYAN LAWLER Competition is heating up in the on-demand transportation industry, but unlike other segments of the market, there’s no lock-in that keeps customers loyal to one service or another. Users looking for a way to get from one place to another seemingly only care about the cost, convenience and reliability of the service. With that in mind, services like Uber and Lyft aren’t fighting to be the only app people…

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It’s Time For Apple To Treat Us Like Adults

As reported on TechCrunch. by FREDERIC LARDINOIS It’s time for Apple to treat us like adults. The company revolutionized the smartphone with iOS, no doubt. But as iOS gets older, its users are, too, and fewer and fewer of them are first-time smartphone owners. It made sense to hold everybody’s hands when this whole idea of a computer in your pocket was new. But just as Apple will probably move from skeuomorphic design to a more…

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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 now available for $149

As reported on Engadget. By Jon Fingas Adobe teased us with a Photoshop Lightroom 5 beta at the start of the spring, and it’s closing out the season by releasing the finished goods. Mac- and Windows-based shutterbugs can download the completed image management app today, either at no extra charge through a Creative Cloud subscription or $149 for a stand-alone version ($79 for an upgrade). Buyers get the same core updates no matter how much they spend, including an Advanced…

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Google CEO: people won’t ‘collapse in terror’ when someone uses Glass in a bathroom

As reported on The Verge. By Matt Brian Google CEO Larry Page has again moved to reassure consumers over the privacy implications of Google Glass. Speaking at the company’s annual shareholder meeting, Page told investors that privacy fears will fade as people begin to integrate wearable technology into their lives, noting “it is not that big a concern.” Comparing Glass use to taking a photo or video on a smartphone, the Google chief said “you don’t collapse in…

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Microsoft: Internet Explorer 10 Is The Most Energy-Efficient Browser, Uses Up To 18% Less Power Than Chrome And Firefox

As reported on TechCrunch. by FREDERIC LARDINOIS If everybody switched from Chrome and Firefox to Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8, we could save enough energy to power 10,000 U.S. households, a new study (PDF) commissioned by Microsoft says. The reason for this, Microsoft says, is its focus on making IE fast and the fact that IE taps into modern PC hardware like native graphics cards to speed up its rendering performance. Let’s face it, when you…

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NY court lifts temporary ban on cab-hailing apps, pilot program to continue

As reported on Engadget. By Nicole Lee The on-again–off-again status of NYC’s e-hail pilot program is now, well, back on. A New York state court has just lifted a temporary restraining order brought on by the city’s livery cab companies that halted the year-long trial of taxi-hailing apps like Uber, Hailo and Taxi Magic. They argued that using the apps to book cabs counts as pre-arranging a service, which is strictly their territory. After weeks of deliberation, judges sided with the…

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Application Automotive

BMW expanding ConnectedDrive with web browsing, Siri, S Voice and Android support

As reported on Engadget. By Jon Fingas BMW has been refining its ConnectedDrive services for months, but that was apparently just the prelude to greater things: the automaker just outlined a roadmap for 2013 and beyond. The company is rolling out iDrive 4.2 firmware for the 2014 model year that supports web browsing while stopped, iAP Bluetooth control through iOS devices and integration with both Siri Eyes Free and S Voice. The new revision also brings voice search for locations through…

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SugarSync adds remote wipe, scrubs cloud data from Macs and PCs

As reported on Engadget. By Jon Fingas These days, the danger of a stolen PC resides less in local files and more in cloud access — presumably, no one wants to share their online storage with a thief.SugarSync’s paid subscribers won’t have to worry, as the company just rolled out a remote wipe option. Customers now just have to sign in through the web to purge a Mac or Windows system of both its shared files and…

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