Business Cloud Culture Entertainment

Netflix Will Launch Multiple User Profiles This Summer To Keep Your Recommendations Pristine

As reported on TechCrunch. by CATHERINE SHU It’s a nuisance many Netflix users are familiar with–you log-on to watch something from the Criterion Collection, only to find that your recommendations are now littered with “Dora The Explorer” or “Say Yes To The Dress” because someone in your household with less erudite tastes in streaming entertainment used your account. Fortunately, Netflix Vice President of Product Innovation Todd Yellinconfirmed at E3 that Netflix will launch separate profiles for people sharing one…

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WTF Is Waze And Why Did Google Just Pay A Billion+ For It?

As reported on TechCrunch. by RIP EMPSON The tech industry has seen its fair share of acquisition whoppers lately, with Salesforce acquiring ExactTarget for $2.5 billion this month, and Yahoo putting the icing on itsacquisition spree by snatching up Tumblr for $1.1 billion. But the news today that Google is buying popular iOS map and navigation app, Waze, (reportedly for around $1.1 to $1.3 billion) is a little different. While the prices are similar and Tumblr may well have seen interest before…

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Basis Band Android app finally available, iOS version still absent

As reported on Engadget. By James Trew If you’ve been sitting around not clocking up the miles with your Basis Band, we imagine it’s because you were waiting for that long-delayed mobile app. Well, it might not be Q1 as promised, but it’s finally time to lace up those sneakers. It’s team Android that gets out of the blocks first, with the app debuting on the Google-flavored OS. Features include automatic sync, the ability to see your current progress towards your activity…

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Xbox chief: we have a product for people who can’t get online, it’s called Xbox 360

As reported on Engadget. By Daniel Cooper Did you think the Xbox 360 was being kept around just for the budget market? It turns out Microsoft’s got another sort of customer in mind for the revamped last-gen hardware: the crews of nuclear submarines. Xbox chief Don Mattrick, in response to the backlash over the Xbox One requiring an internet connection, said that “fortunately, we have a product for people who aren’t able to get some form of connectivity, it’s…

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Application Business

Airbnb’s disaster response tool to help survivors find free housing

As reported on Engadget. By Mariella Moon Airbnb has launched a new disaster response tool in an effort to make things easier for willing hosts to offer free shelter to survivors of catastrophes. Activated within 30 minutes or less from the time trouble strikes, the solution will send out emails to local users and ask if they’d like to offer their rooms at no cost. Thoughtful folks will then be able to list their space on a…

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‘Man of Steel’ review: finally, the Superman we deserve

As reported on The Verge. By Todd Gilchrist Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder deliver a superhero for the modern era Superman is probably the superhero least in need of an existential crisis, but leave it to Christopher Nolan to give him one anyway. As the producer and co-writer of the story for Man of Steel, the auteur who put the dark in The Dark Knight strips away the character’s unassailable integrity and moral certitude and gives us a Kal-El…

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Apple Business Tech

Apple’s Flashlight Is Why We Can’t Fund Nice Dumb Things

As reported on TechCrunch. by ALEXIA TSOTSIS Flashlight apps are a testament to the power and simplicity of modern technology. Power outage because of a hurricane? There’san app for that. Need to stealthily kill a mosquito without waking up your partner? There’s an app for that, too. Actually, there are more than 1,000 in the App Store alone, many with 5-star ratings, because flashlight apps, which turn the flash of your iPhone camera into a literal…

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Design, And Insecurity, Is Back At Apple

As reported on TechCrunch. by RYAN BLOCK “CAN’T INNOVATE ANYMORE, MY ASS.” The phrase uttered by Phil Schiller during today’s keynote got a few laughs from the predictably enthusiastic WWDC audience. To me it dropped like a ton of bricked iPhones. Let’s catch up. The last time we heard from Apple was at its absurdly aggressive September 2012 press event, where it introduced the iPad mini and refreshed an astounding number of its products in one fell…

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Automotive Hardware Dev

Corning’s Gorilla Glass might be key to quiet, fuel-efficient cars

As reported on Engadget. By Mariella Moon Corning’s Gorilla Glass might soon step out of its phone- and tablet-filled lifestyle to explore a bigger part of the jungle. The material — used thus far to make a plethora ofscratch-resistant mobile device screens — could replace some of the standard glass on car windows, according to company Senior VP Jeffrey Evenson. Speaking at MIT Technology Review’s Mobile Summit, Evenson says Gorilla Glass will reduce a vehicle’s weight and lower its center of mass.…

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Apple Hardware Dev

Apple MacBook Air hands-on and first I/O benchmarks (13-inch, mid-2013)

As reported on Engadget. By Brian Heater As expected, this year’s WWDC was all about the software, and certainly there was plenty to talk about on that front, what with the unveiling of of iOS 7 and OS X Mavericks. We did get a little bit to whet the appetite of hardware lovers, however — mainly a sneak peak of the cool new cylindrical Mac Pro and a refresh to Apple’s popular MacBook Air line. We managed to snag a few pictures of the forthcoming tiny…

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