Article History

1,200 years later, lost city discovered in the jungles of Cambodia

As reported on The Verge. By Amar Toor A team of archaeologists from Australia has discovered an ancient city that had been buried under the jungles of Cambodia for more than 1,000 years. The 1,200-year-old city, known as Mahendraparvata, was uncovered in the Siem Reap region of Cambodia, atop a mountain known as Phnom Kulen, where thousands of pilgrims used to perform spiritual ceremonies. As the Age reports, the city is believed to predate the famed Angkor Wat temple…

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Apple Business

Apple Is Building A Beautiful New Store To Overshadow Microsoft In Palo Alto

As reported on TechCrunch. by BILLY GALLAGHER Apple is building a big, visually stunning store in the Stanford shopping center. A few hundred yards from the construction site sits a small, modest Apple location. Last spring, Microsoft opened a flagship spot right next to the small Apple store with a free Maroon 5 concert. Whether for pure dollars and cents or for appearances (maybe both), Apple has been very aggressive in Palo Alto in the past couple of…

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Government Politics

US officials say less than 300 phone numbers were investigated in 2012, data thwarted terrorist plots

As reported on Engadget. By Sean Buckley With all the coverage of PRSIM and the NSA’s data collection have been getting recently, it’s no surprise that the US government is eager to rationalize its actions. The crux of the latest defense seems to be that the government isn’t using its treasure trove of data very often: according to recently declassified documents, the NSA used the database to investigate less than 300 phone numbers last year. These efforts reportedly prevented terrorist…

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Apple Legal

Apple releases statement on customer privacy, received over 4,000 government information requests in six months

As reported on Engadget. By Mat Smith Following the likes of Microsoft and Facebook, Apple has publicly responded to the explosion in interest in the NSA’s PRISM program, and has been authorized to reveal some of the data on what it’s shared with the US government in the past. It apparently first heard of the program when the media started to ask about it earlier this month and has reiterated that it provides no government agency with direct access…

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Hardware Dev

Intel leak reveals 8-core Haswell-E series desktop CPU for late 2014

As reported on Engadget. By Daniel Cooper Now that Haswell’s available in consumer-grade laptops, it’s time to look at what’s next on Intel’s to-do list. A leaked slide-deck is claiming that Haswell-E, the enthusiast version of the chip, is coming in the second half of 2014. The documents also promise that Intel will axe the 4-core base model in favor of 6-and-8-core editions of the CPU, which can pack up to 20MB of L3 cache. At the same time, the company is…

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Smile! Hackers Can Silently Access Your Webcam Right Through The Browser (Again)

As reported on TechCrunch. by GREG KUMPARAK You know those people who put tape over their laptop’s webcam to keep digital peeping toms at bay? They’re not crazy. A new proof of concept is making the rounds today that demonstrates how a hacker can snap pics off your webcam, right through the browser, with no consent required. Well, technically, you are giving consent. You just wouldn’t know it. Outlined by security consultant Egor Homakov, the hack brings in a…

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Business Entertainment

Lucas And Spielberg Predict “Massive Implosion” Of Hollywood Caused By Tech Industry

As reported on TechCrunch. by GREG BARTO George Lucas and Steven Spielberg aren’t so bullish on the future of the film industry. At a talk at USC, the pair agreed that it’s on track to have a “massive implosion”. At the core of their argument: there just isn’t enough time in the day for consumers to support all the films released in theaters. Films are competing with all the content and options that the Internet provides. Studios in Hollywood…

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Apple Reportedly Trying 4.7- and 5.7-Inch Screens On iPhones Next Year, Cheaper Model Coming In Fall

As reported on TechCrunch. by DARRELL ETHERINGTON Apple is looking at various changes to its iPhone lineup over the course of the next year, according to a new report from Reuters, including two sizes of larger smartphone devices, in both a 4.7-inch and 5.7-inch flavor. The “phablet” plans are also being considered alongside a less expensive iPhone model, which is slated to begin production next month, according to Reuters’ sources, after a brief delay as Apple attempts…

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Yahoo Sports 4.0 arrives for Android and iOS with UI overhaul, team sync

As reported on Engadget. By Jon Fingas Yahoo has spent the past several months revamping its mobile apps, and it’s shifting that attention to a Sportacular redesign just as playoff season reaches its peak. Now going under the more recognizable Yahoo Sports name, the remade Android and iOS apps tout a simpler interface; users can also sync their favorite teams across devices. Those running iOS get a few added upgrades with this release, including iPad support and a stream of Twitter posts…

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iPhone Microsoft

Microsoft releases Office for iPhone, available now for Office 365 subscribers only (hands-on)

As reported on Engadget. By Dana Wollman Microsoft releases Office for iPhone, available now for Office 365 subscribers only (hands-on) At this point, it wasn’t a question of whether Microsoft would release Office for iOS, but when. The company just released a free Office Mobile app for the iPhone, and it’s available today in the US, with other regions to follow over the coming days. Before you all go rushing off to the download link, though, there’s something you need…

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