Business Entertainment Marketing SmartPhone

Samsung debuts its first Galaxy S5 ad during the Oscars and turns sponsorship dollars into all-star selfies

As reported on Engadget. BY MAT SMITH In case you hadn’t heard, Samsung’s newest phone is coming. At the Oscars, theGalaxy S5 just got a huge shot of publicity, both in a 30-second ad segment and the not-so-casual presence of its big bro, the Note 3, throughout the award ceremony. We hope you like Hollywood stars and selfies, because Ellen’s going to be tweeting a whole lot of them. That’s your sponsorship dollars at work, Samsung, even if…

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Business Marketing

Twitter’s Lead Generation Card gives brands your info with just the click of a button

As reported on Engadget. By Sarah Silbert Twitter Cards are meant to enhance a user’s — er, advertiser’s — tweets with relevant links and photo previews. Three such cards currently exist, but today the social network introduced a new one: the Lead Generation Card (marketing speak, much?), which essentially lets users accept discounts and provide the required personal information directly from a business’ tweet. The feature is located within a brand’s expanded tweet: you simply click a…

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